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- Publication:
- Abilene Reporter-Newsi
- Location:
- Abilene, Texas
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- 13
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mwmpm Mr "rr1 -Thr-ar rr rw Federal Criminal rial Dates Set jSWene porter PAGE ONE ABILENE TEXAS $AT MORNING JULY II 1964 SECTION -I -I -1 A 4 -fc 4 3 ft 1 i Hi i- Sept 17 was set Friday as the date for the counterfeiting trial of three Abilene men George Douglas Graves Lloyd Moore and Billy Doyle Prinre All three pleaded not guilty In US District Court here to federal indictments and remained free on bond Graves and Moore are charged with possession of fake $20 federal reserve notes and with conspiring to make counterfeit money Prince is charged with conspiracy as is a fourth man Donald Richard Plaskctt who is serving a three-year federal sentence for possession of counterfeit money He will be arraigned here next week Another case which created considerable public notice will be tried Sept 28 It involves federal extortion charges against Ronney Mason of Sweetwater Mason arrested Nov 1 by the FBI is charged with threatening to blow up all Sweetwater schools and hospitals unless he was paid $250000 by a Sweetwater banker Five persons pleaded guilty Friday and were sentenced among them John Wilson Os-burne 21 an Abilene Christian College student Osbume admitted stealing $429 from the ACC postal substation where he worked as a teen-agers Friday to mount an clerk He received a probated assault on Juvenile delinquency sentence of a year and a day and said he thought a good way Two companies also admitted start would be an attack on criminal charges against dropouts and paid fines The attorney general made One was Lankford andij1' Plea to in address to the second annual Attorney on Youths was Lankford andjni Ple Sons an Abilene garment man-lj? the seenna annual Aiior: ufacturer It fined Youth Conference COLEMAN BEAUTY ROUNDUP Leta Fay McClure right welcomes Coleman Rodeo visiting royalty to a luncheon in their honor Friday at First Coleman' National Bank From left are Sandi Prati Miss Rodeo America Becky Crouch' Miss Mohair of America and Diane King Miss Heart of Texas Stories and pic-: tures Pg 9-A 3-R 10-B (Staff Photo by Mary Ixm Watson) ITCII ELL RODEO WORKING STAFF The office work for the second annual Mitchell County amateur rodeo is being done largely by this trio of women From left are Maxine Rogers Mrs Delores Wood secretary-treasurer of View Delinquency Woes ooke) account for much of (he crimeof Texas Department of Public rate Carr said Safety will address the group The youngsters here broke up Saturday morning and House into smaller groups each to Speaker Byron Tunnel! will delve into specific phases of speak at a Saturday night as- County Bank Deposits Hit All-Time Mid-Year Record of juvenile crime in particular Carr gave these figures for juvenile crime in this state for last year: aggravated assaults up 143 per cent thefts up 177 per cent: and juvenile sex crimes for the 12 months up an astonishing 903 per cent we got problems in Carr asked the teenagers tell you this it's later than you think it is and time isn't on our side in this battle Carr said that youth knows most about youth problems and studying in turn such things as law enforcement recreation vocational training community service and dropouts leaders of the discussion groups include Sharon Bonham of Rising Star and Suzanne Orr daughter of Mr and Mrs Clark Orr of Abilene Jim Wright BANK DEPOSITS was $100 each on 11 counts of allowing its AnwMhrwt drivers to log excessive driv-nnH rri ilfinfr ing time The charges were filed by the Interstate Commerce tor Bernard Suttlor of Washington the into nf the EMtand Mp Si IbwAt the school dropout problem as sum sembly in the House of Representatives chamber at the capitnl A plaque will be presented Saturday night to Judge Wright Armstrong of Fort Worth judge of Tarrant County Criminal Court No 3 for his work with teen-agers A Fort Worth group will demonstrate a teen-age jury at the Saturday night meeting Sunday the teen-agers will attend religious services at the capitnl and hear a closing address by Carr The conference first of its kind to be staged in the nation was arranged by the attorney general's staff with assistance from youth workers from over the state It is financed by contributions and by pro- teen-agers dug series of seminars on what they Commission Texas Crude Oil Co a Fort rjand their fellow juveniles might Worth firm was fined $250 eachlHn nhmit (ha rieino prinM rat do about the rising crime rate 2nd Quartor latQuortar 2nd Quartar Juno 30 '64 April 15 '44 Juna 29 '43 1612952 603361 7012 143 46526144 46101490 50162024 40743916 20093443 17272700 127299935 119900949 3611917 3392113 574004 603215 2187505 2721345 7143426 4724463 134443361 126625412 Friday afternoon the conference delegates had a picnic and swim party at Barton Springs and a night session which included films on the dropout problem and alcoholism plus an appearance by a group of Texas Department of Corrections prisoners who pointed out the consequences of crime AbiUna National Bank af Cammarca CKiiana National Bank Fint National Bank Firat Stata Bank TOTAL ABILENE FBM National Bank Markal 3652045 Hama Stata lank Tiant 541121 Firat Stata Bank Twcl 26641 41 TOTAL 3 RUSAL BANKS 4B5S234 TAYLOB COUNTY TOTAL 133314092 Bacardi: City $127917212 County 122063 1414831 8471492 46785547 50294511 19278207 12445305 the plare to start Gov John Connally's Commit-lee on Education Beyond High School has found that 46 per cent of Texans who finished the third grade in 1953 dropped out before high school graduation Carr reported These dropouts uneducated in an age which demands more education become a burden on the community and Conference registration stood at 1180 Friday afternoon with guests and observers pushing the crowd to about 1500 Carr and Suttler laid on the line for the young people the avity of the crime situation rise of crime in general and on 12 counts of overproducing the maximum allowable in oil The four other guilty pleas by individuals involved interstate transportation of stolen cars One of them Harold Friend said he badly needed medical $135410977 bath art Col Homer Garrison director I eels of the local youth groups 3 BANK LOANS 2nd Qunrtar lit Quartar 2nd Quartar Jana 30 '44 April IS '64 Jaaa 29 '41 903429 5979727 25448214 30545003 12920755 75117128 1044771 332044 1151 367 3237202 79054330 Abllcm National Bank 1 203403 lank of Cammarca 3171442 Citium Natiaaol lank 24500140 Fint National lank 31212694 Fint Stata Bank 13530514 TOTAL AIILENE 74311415 FBM Natiaaol lank Markal 1036497 Hama Stata Bonk Trant 324959 Fint Stata Bank Tmcaln 1946229 TOTAL 3 BUBAL BANKS 3307415 TAYLOK COUNTY TOTAL 79424100 3528783 23407397 29237447 1 1 490295 67664122 969429 313119 1372067 2457311 70321437 Save! Save! Terrific Bargains for You and: Your Entire Fami ly! Abilene and Taylor County's) eight banks show an all time' middle of the year deposit record according to figures made known Friday following national and state bank calls The increase $133314092 was more than $4 million above the last record set two years ago The new June 30 record is $7 million above the June 29 1963 figure and less than $14 million below the all time peak of $135480977 established Dec 30 1963 As usual the mid year call was below die year-end and first quarter calls It was only about $800000 below the April 15 1964 total Abilene's five banks had a mid year record of $126455858 'The previous high mark two years ago was $122192536 Last figure was $119900949 County bankers are generally optimistic but they see the need 1 for additional rainfall for good crop yields The increase reflects a vibrant economy in view of the decreased price of cattle" said Oliver Howard Citizens National Bank president -The' president of First National Bank of Abilene Walter Johnson said he felt business conditions are about the same with some increase of activity in the last three to six months continues to ence some healthy adjustments in its economic structure" said John A Wright president of First State Bank here David Fry Abilene National Bank president said have found our business increasing in volume and activity very stead Trent Home State Bank President Wilks said crops have been looking good there but hot weather and lack of rain are be- ginning to damage them In Tuscola Vice President and Cashier Robert Saylos of First State Bank said the com' munity's cotton crop looked promising because of recent local rains but feed crops are beginning to suffer Booth Warren FLM National Bank of Merkel president said the usual summer slump was overcome there from the proceeds of a better than expected wheat crop harvested in record time GROUP I GROUP BOYS Deposits Show State 'Upswing' Going On GIRLS SUMMER HATS PURSES BETTER DRESSES Famous Name Brands Values to: listed first compared with year 'go: rmim nmiuim iim s3a7imas 100 S31M97t47f choice NOW 4000 SPORT COATS SUITS GROUP GIRLS NOW 6000 2665 3997 6000 7337 SUBTEEN DRESSES NOW 9000 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Reports of Texas bank deposits indicated Friday 1 that the state is in a continued economic upswing which shows no signs of diminishing Banks in many cities went against the traditional pattern of deposits to reach record something expected only at the year-end report when accounts are swelled with Christmas money The record setting by many cities was the ninth straight quarter for new highs stretching back at least to the middle of 1962 Not all cities set records but virtually all showed healthy increases in deposits over the same reporting period a year Harril Cotaiy Hid U4S4 4397)8 Turaot County (Fort Wartk) SM and S04AM4S7 SM AMoMo MMJOOJt! and M2 AM 40 Auatla S333J54JS3 and 337 790450 AmarlHa 2445449 and 0M73IJM Carpal ChtMl Sltl 4M421 and SI734M- WlriiHa raHl 0MJMJ01 and HUM IN fUaumnnt S1K3T3SJS3 and S1SI4M41 Midland S17I4HJM and SIM4M417 Talar SI 13 AM JOS and sins 21723 Pali Arthur SHI71M3 and SI7437Hf Loagvtrw Se4JUll and IM23311f Oran SM3MS9 and SM444J73 Laredo SS1J714M and S4SAJ4 Bis Sarin! S3 101 91 and SM 475114 Navarra County (Contcaaai S3SJH77 and S37J114M Tran CUr tad Lama raw $34417 and SMJS44A42 Vrrnoo S3UM417 and SSMM07 Bryaa and Mesa Sutlaa SMJMJM S2S4B1A31 Nrdrrtaad Nrchra-Groraa S214M 340 and S1IA344M IM lUa Slfl72f04S and 5111445 Kilrnra SI7T74N7 and 91740201 Kdlnbars 915432431 and 0449424 Kl Haao 22345457 and S3304M4M Victoria 1147741 and SIU43H43 Saa Annie SMJH4SI and MTJU449 Bril County iTrmptcl IMJ12J7S aad 174410431 MrAlIrn S9S1M4ST and 3219444 11000 NOW GROUP OFF Sizes 7 to 18 values 1095 to 3500 downtown only GROUP LADIES SUMMER SUITS values to 15000 Vl to V3 OFF am OFF MEN'S SUITS ago Re eports by cities (this year Values to: 6000 GIFT TABLE values 100 to 4500 6995 now 4995 NOW 5495 NOW 5995 now 6995' GROUP FABRICS WOOLS Dress Weight Only values to 595 7995 8995 OFF Bike Rodeo Award Goes To Johnston Johnston Recreation Center placed first in-the annual Bicycle Rodeo in Fair Park Friday morning under city Recreation Dept sponsorship Carver and Bonnam centers placed second and third Winning the contest for the host decorated bicycle was John Muire Tony Flores placed second Other bicycle event winners GROUP MEN'S SPORT COATS OFF downtown only downtown only Values to 2999 NOW 2295 now 3995 4995 GROUP GROUP VANITY FAIR Lycra Foundations Final Day! Vantastic Wired Bra A A AC Reg 595 NOW 479 yrnf I rnl nr Mr MEN'S SLACKS Gtll GROUP LADIES AND JUNIOR SUMMER DRESSES Savings up to: 33 WHtMimna INyiri IM fnr Im andrr Anthony Mlmwn Values to: an II mr ms-yard lit Kiana ma-yard nr hr ar IS 1095 NOW a 11 war 995 Pull on Girdle Reg 1250 NOW 895 1295 1495 1895 1995 OFF NOW NOW NOW Long Leg Ponty A Reg 1500 NOW IZ3U Mi a I Ba4 htfajtr 1495 1895 2295 24 95 I-mlKilw SM-yar nr (hr Rwt 13 aa IS Trudy Hava aa Barhars Fair 11 JNhraNI nr for hey 13 aa 13 Cary Car ary aa Chartry Law MaM a a tnrk nma (hr fir la -Lma 54 it aa Bartwra FalirR Waal aV Irak ran (ar haya -Bid IMriqara aa Sakai Barhaa Data Faik' rrlay Bnahaai (rata Ba Park' rrlay I'atvrr Cralrr I MaHn rarr (ar hen Clark Laa may aa Buhrrt Wikm Maw nr fir la IB TyR aa Mrdia Cta Mear rarr hay Seamy Brrta aa BiH FartaMN ANrr I hr lawardliaa aaa Balahr (hr cMdrra ha a ana laark at Fir Park Also Included: Two Piece Cotton Knits Every Body's Bra A Reg 395 NOW 295 NOW REST DECORATED After winning the Rest Decorated Bicycle award at the annual Bicycle Roden Friday morning John Muire seven-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Forrest Muire of 2049 Crescent pauses to show his handiwork (Staff Fhoto) 3C.
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